Property in Kanagawa Yokohama


Social apartment provides a luxurious shared lounge for residents to communicate. Quality is far higher than guesthouse, and your privacy is completely secured. Experience the revolutionary lifestyle never meet any guesthouse or apartment. Find your best social apartment from the list located in throughout Tokyo. > Learn more about Social Apartment

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How Social Apartment is different from Share house.
We believe that Social Apartment represents a new standard in what life in a shared house can look like. While one of the main concerns that most people have is the lack of privacy in a shared apartment, we meticulously design our properties to have the perfect blend of private space and public interaction. Starting from the stylish designer lounges, we strive to provide residents have a variety of amenities to bring more fulfilling social interactions to their lives. Depending on the property these include in-house cafes, billiard rooms, fitness studios, business lounges, and rooftop terraces just to name a few. Because the facilities provided, and the concept implemented at each property are ever so slightly different, the type of community that springs up is dependent on the property to an extent.
As a concept though, the primary purpose of Social Apartments is to create spaces for interaction, communication, and developing relationships. The overall style that we shoot for is a warm and welcoming environment, where people can imagine spending their free time. We’re committed to providing a shared environment that is also of an exceedingly high quality.