> LIFESTYLE > Enjoy a Congratulatory Gift if you've met your Love in Social Apartment!


Enjoy a Congratulatory Gift if you've met your Love in Social Apartment!


A type of space that is neither a simple one-man apartment nor a basic Share House. Social Apartment offers the perfect blend of public and private space to provide you with a new way of living. This new balance of social and secluded provides opportunities for you to meet new people, forge new relationships, and enjoy the full spectrum of human interaction, all from the comfort of your own home.

With more than 2,000 rooms in over 40 different locations across Japan, and with an average age of our tenants between 20’s and 30’s, it is natural for people to naturally connect in many different ways. Sometimes leading to something even more special. Many things improved in a lot of our tenant’s life after moving into Social Apartment. Some of them were able to improve their communication skills, challenge new things, had their social network expanded, made new friendships. And some of them experience even bigger change! A change that comes with a big L… LOVE!

In fact, many our tenants were able to meet their special partner while living in a Social Apartment and got married while still living in the same property. This is something we are particularly proud of and that truly moves us each time we hear about it.


Because of that, we decided to offer our support and best wishes by offering a congratulatory gift to all couples that met in our properties and got married.

Those who fall under the following conditions would be entitled to receive a 30,000YEN CONGRATULATORY GIFT:

【Conditions to Apply】

● Both tenants are currently living in Social Apartment
● Both tenants met in a Social Apartment
● Have officially registered their marriage at their local City Office or can prove their engagement
● Be able to submit pictures and stories together

※Those who already moved-out from Social Apartment are not eligible to this program.

Feel free to contact us for more information: